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As a mother of 3 kids very close in age, you can imagine how busy it gets at home, you don’t have time, you feel overwhelmed, is like a never-ending episode. I decided to workout with my kids, doing weights as well as cardio (Try chasing a 2-years-old, is actually fun and tiring)I had a lot of knowledge thru the internet, and also asking my personal trainers friends.


They encouraged me A LOT : “ Go for it , you got it in you, you definitely will help tons of people and inspire some people who are struggling the same” so I pulled up my big girls pants, got my Zumba license and started shaking it like there is no tomorrow, dancing is also one of my biggest passions, with a background as a salsa dancer, that was a great mix for the pot.


Then got my license as a Strong Nation instructor ( Strong by Zumba ), then eventually I continued my education and getting my certification as a Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor and Nutritionist. It has been a rollercoaster full of excitement and learning. 

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